I'm ALWAYS in a bad mood! I can't do anything I love

I'm ALWAYS feeling terrified since two weeks ago [you can understand if you can read my last question] and that's never normal!
I'm feeling terrified from I don't know what!
really terrified all the time like if I'm seeing a zombie in front of me. Breathing hard, heart beats fast, feeling cold and shaking. Everyday everytime like this.
I'm just locking myself in my room. Stopped going out because I'm not in a good mood to, when I'm actually always terrified from something I don't know.
I tried to do my favorite things (writing a story, drawing and playing video games), but I still never do anything of them because I'm always in a bad mood! :\
The situation is also. Terrifying?
I started hoping not to wake up haha! Is there anything that can comfort me? A Song? An app for iphone/ipad? An activity? Anything!

Pocket Army, Angry birds, and such as these funny apps will relax your mood. You also can get more funny apps to go to blog app-of-ipad.blogspot.com.

But I think you'd better talk to somebody why you are in bad mood and you must speak out then you will feel really relaxed. You can get relaxed at the moment when you playing funny games. Hope you can be happy soon.

Go eat veggies! I'm having the same problem right now! But I have none in the house DX crud

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