I'm from Brazil and I want to buy an iPhone 5 in US?
Hi! I live in Porto Alegre, Brazil. I really want to buy an iPhone 5 in US next year. What should I do? Do I need to buy an unlocked version of the iPhone 5 in an Apple Store? Is it expensive?
Yes, you will need to purchase an unlocked iPhone direclty from Apple, as you can't get service with AT&T, Verizon or Sprint, and even if you could, you would have to pay international roaming fees which are extremely steep. An unlocked iPhone 5 stars around $650
Yeah people in the us (I live in the USA) haven't even gotten the iPhone5 yet so there no way your getting it and you probably won't be able to get it til like next yr and duh it's expensive it's like 200 dollars and more depending on how much data you want/ your data plan
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