I'm having problems with my iPhone 6s. It's stuck on the black screen and hard resetting it doesn't work anymore. Can I possibly fix?
I'm having problems with my iPhone 6s. It's stuck on the black screen and hard resetting it doesn't work anymore. Can I possibly fix?
^I can also hear notifications and noises but nothing can be seen. I'm also very worried about losing all my photos and everything off my phone. I can't remember the last time it was backed up. Would taking it apart to tamper with it and try to fix it somehow reset it and erase its memory? Would I lose everything that hasn't been backed up? And if the SIM card was removed would everything be saved on there? Very scared of losing photos.
Have you considered asking Apple for help instead of a bunch of random internet folks?
Take it to a phone place and have thern fix it
If it's a truly black screen (never shows anything), but you're hearing normal sounds, then the screen simply isn't working. It may be something very simple, like securing the cable to the screen, or it may be more complicated (replacing screen).
Removing the back to check on loose connections will not cause you to lose any data. Removing the SD card will save anything stored on the card, but there could be other data on the phone still. If your goal is simply to save your data, that's possible even without the screen working. Replacing a screen is not extremely expensive, and does NOT in any way put your data at risk.
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