I plugged my Iphone into my charger and it started smoking. Now it won't charge

I woke up and plugged in my Iphone smoke started coming out of the port and now i can't charge it. I have tried all the chargers in my house. It smells really bad. Any help please on what i have to do

For whatever reason, some component(s) failed on one of the boards or the battery shorted out internally. I would say that with the appearance of smoke, your chances of using that phone again are pretty much nil. I would, if it and the charger were still under warranty, take them to a local Apple store or service center to have them checked out. The charger may still be in working condition. If they aren't under warranty, then it will either cost a bundle to fix them or replace them.

I'm sorry to be the harbinger of doom, but smoke comes from overheated circuit boards and IC chips, resistors, diodes and capacitors. All of which smell very foul when overheated to this degree.