I put my iphone in the washer and dryer. I have it in rice. What do I do?

The screen is not showing anything but I hear noises if I get a text/email so the phone is on. Is it busted? Could rice help this issue? How do I turn it off?

Added (1). I called the phone and it rings. I can even answer by pressing where I know the slide to answer bar is. The screen just won't show anything. Is this a good development, bad or indifferent?

Admit defeat.
Your phone is dead.

Leave it in rice overnight and the rice will attract asians who will fix it for you while you are sleeping

You had to turn it off and leave it in rice for a few days and if it works your good if not bring it to apple (i'm not sure if they repair water damaged stuff), so maybe a random repair shop. Maybe the screen in your case is broken.

Let it run out of battery, probably 2-3 days, keep it in rice, and hope for the best. If when you charge it and nothing shows then take Kelsie Jo's advice.