I recently bought a new iPhone and the seller wants me to return the phone. Do you think I should return it or keep it. I got it for cheap?

I recently bought a new iPhone and the seller wants me to return the phone. Do you think I should return it or keep it. I got it for cheap?





WHY would the seller want the phone back?

If you bought it from an authorized dealer,
there should be no such request.

Return it. If there's a problem with something
You did. Try to resolve it so it does not hurt
The people you bought it from. Now if they
Only need it for a short time to change out
The old contacts and phone numbers and
Such. Work put a deal. Other wise find a
New phone at Verizon.

Keep it because he wants to sell it for eggs.

I would return the phone AFTER my money was returned. And only the the person that sold the phone.