I think he s obsessed with me?

Ok so I met this guy on chat roulette and we both live about 20 minutes away from each other. He's not THAT attractive and at first I had a little crush on him. So I gave him my number and he was pretty cool. He's 16 and I'm 13 and I told him I was 15. I feel bad lying to him and all so I planned to block him from facebook, instagram and from texting me since I have a jail broken iphone. I lied to him saying I was going on vacation for about a week or two. He calls me babe and says I love you even though we've known ecach other for a couple Days. So now I'm getting a whole bunch of texts and messages from fb from him. I posted a picture on instAgram and he called me a liar, I told him I was on my moms phone. He liked all my pictures and commented on some just now. What do I do? I don't wanna block him from everything because I feel bad. Sorry of its so much too read. I'm lost and confused.

That's kind of creepy you should block him… Check out instaguff.com for more answers to your question. Someone posted like the exact same thing and got a bunch of responses.

Not every attention is good. Block him from your life.

You lied your way into it lie your way out of it

You are a liar and he is a fool to say things like he loves someone he has met only via the web - he is in love with a fantasy - nothing more.

You need to cut off contact for his own good and frankly I do not care how brutally you end things with him. Just tell him you have no interest and block all communication with him

The sooner you leave each others lives the better


Girl I'm 18 years old and I have had this exact thing happen plenty of times! Delete him! Block him and get him out of your life! Because there's a 95% chance he's not going to leave you alone. I also would recommend not lying about your age because they will have to find out the truth sometime or another. Be honest and try to be careful who you chat with, also if you feel bad its really not going to hurt him that bad to block him… He will move on to a new girl and it will no longer be your problem.

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