I've been wanting to get the iphone xs max on the apple store?
But all it said was "Available at authorized resellers" what does that mean? People are saying that they don't have it anymore. I'm not sure if they really did or not
Guess they have to be authorized to sell it, you could try amazon, they sell everything
That means that Apple doesn't sell it directly anymore. You will need to go to a store that sells them like a cell carrier or major retailer or online.
- Wanting to get the iPhone 6? - 1 So I currently have the iPhone 4 and I desperately want to upgrade to the latest iPhone 6. My contract ends in December for Verizon, but I'm considering buying out the contract (350$) and just getting the iPhone 6. My question is, is that all I have to pay to have the iPhone 6? Yes, I know you have the same monthly bills and have to pay for the phone, but is there any other charges you have to pay? All I see is paying the 350$ and then I'm set to buy the 6.
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