I've met a guy I really like, but he doesn't have a iphone. Can I date him?

I've never dated anyone poor before. Will people judge me

Cya in hell my friend.

Just cuz he doesn't have the sam phone doesn't mean he is poor! No one will judge you and if they do, that's their business

He doesn't deserve someone like you.
This better be a troll

I just totally lost all faith I had in humanity.

Just because he doesn't have an iPhone doesn't mean he's poor. And you're worried about people judging you! If you're worried about that then don't even date him.

It shouldn't matter what other people think, it's as long as you like him.

Some people '

HA! Everyone has an Iphone these days… It doesn't make you rich, so shut the *** up you middle-lower class tramp.

It really does not matter if the guy is poor or not. But what does matter is if you like him. And if people judge you about it just ignore them. If you really like him so much then you should go out with him. But if you feel you really do not want to go out with him because he is poor then do not, but love does not matter if the other person has money or not but if you two love each other.

Buy him an iphone lol

I agree with you, tell him to sort himself out first.

You don't want to mix with riff raff.

No offense but, that's pretty f*** up… Just because, the guy doesn't have as much money as you doesn't mean anything. Being in love holds no materialistic boundaries. Being in love is being in love why pass it up for a reason like that?

Well of course people will judge you. God never intended to mix girls with iPhones with Apple-hating hippies… What's next, men dating cats?

Haha are you for real!

What i'm going to do is just assume you are a troll and say no, absolutely not. Don't lower your standards below iphone 4!