I want an android phone like the iphone 5?

I have the iphone 4s and i like it but i'm ready to move on and have more choices. I want an andriod that has 4g LTE 4 inch screen at least and i would like a sd card slot
and needs to be 199 or under

Added (1). And i don't want the galaxy s3 its a little to big

Added (2). I'm with Verizon

Galaxy S2 or 3

Since you said no to the Galaxy S III and didn't mention which wireless company you are with, its hard to give suggestions, since most other phones are only with 1 or 2 wireless companies, and you can't get it with the others.

Best Android Option; The Samsung Galaxy S III


cheqout 2nd &3rd l ink on

The LG Nexus 4 is coming out on Nov 13. The phone is $300.00 for 8GB and $350.00 for 16GB. While it's $100.00 over you're price range, the phone is unlocked, which means you can buy a SIM card from a carrier and put it in. Often times the SIM card plans are much cheaper than the phone plans, for instance, I have a Galaxy Nexus with a T-Mobile SIM card. I pay about $30.00 a month for a $70.00+ month plan (talk, text, data).So after just 3 months (assuming you have the same plan as me) you would already be saving money. The LG Nexus 4 will also get the latest version of Android right away every time a new one is released, so you will get a system update usually a month or more quicker than people who a Galaxy S3, HTC One, etc