I want to get a phone! Do you think my parents will give me one?

Ok so I was on a walk with my family and my brother and my dad were getting me really mad. I decided to walk home and my mom called at me and said, "Don't let them ruin your night come walk with me". I then told her that I wasn't going to walk with those two losers, talking about my brother and my dad. (I wish I could go back and not say it UGH!) Anyways, my dad yells at me and says you were going to get an iPhone on the day of the national junior honor society ceremony(because I got excepted). I went home and started crying because all my friends have phones and I really wanted one. My mom then said when she got home stop crying don't you think if we thought about we're gonna think about it again. UGH! Some of my friends think that they will just give it to me anyways, but I really wanna know. I wanna get an iPhone! Someone help me!

None of us hear can speak for them or predict what they will and will not do. But I suggest you pipe down on your attitude because it won't win you any points at all.

Yes, it would be nice to have an iPhone, but you can also live without one. Your friends are not you, nor are their parents your parents. So, stop comparing your life to theirs. IPhones also cost a fortune. So, if you get one soon, be grateful and make sure to let your parents know you appreciate it.

You can also see about getting a part time job and paying for one yourself.

You got accepted. Not excepted. Are you sure you got in?

If they bought you a phone and planned to give it to you, why on earth would this little outburst change that?

How old are you…5? Time to grow up and stop sulking. If you were my grandchild you'd have to earn it… Chores round the house and be pleasant to your family.

Don't be a spoiled.

Maybe someday you'll get a new phone. But don't except you'll get the same phone.

They might, you'll find out soon enough but i wouldnt ask them about it, i would just wait, cause if you keep asking them you might be lowering your chances of getting it