I want to learn how to make an iphone app. Where should I start from?

I want to learn how to make an iphone app. I know that I need to learn object oriented programming (I don't know it at all) and other things. What exactly should I learn/read about?

IPhone apps are written in objective C, so I would recommend either straight out learning Objective C, learning C, or C++.
-Beginning C++ tutorials http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=16
-Beginning iPhone Development tutorials http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=28

They are written in the language Objective-C, so like the other guy said some kind of C language is good to learn first.

But those languages are more difficult than some simple ones, look up HTML/CSS, It's what most people use to make websites, great language to start on, also python is an easy language to make programs on.

If you want to though, go straight to C or C++, or even Objective-C, just may be more difficult to pick up! Good luck, hope to see you one day as a programmer!

Yes, you should learn about object oriented programming but if you want to make iphone apps then you must learn about objective-C programming which is the basics of iphone apps development. I suggest you trying out exclusive tutorials on objective-C like one on How to Make iPhone Apps

Start straight from http://developer.apple.com/....apple.com hope I entered right, I started as Android programmer with Google's equivalent and it was excellent and complete, expect the same under Apple.

Programming is of Objective C, stared as self-initiative ad-hoc patching of original C and ended up grammatically very different from C. So you wouldn't have to learn C beyond copy-paste a skeletal code.

Meanwhile back in the real world…

There are many ways to create an app. The choice will depend on the type of app ypu want to make.

Take a look at…








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