I want to make an iPhone app? Where to start?

I'm somewhat familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and want to make an app. I'm thinking of my app looking like a typical app with a tab bar on the bottom that can take you to certain parts of the app. Is there an easy way to create the tab bar interface? I figured using Xcode will make it easier but I'm not sure at all. So I have a few questions and they will seem dumb… 1. My app asks for users to create an account. I know how to make a form for people to sign up and click submit using HTML, however I have no clue what happens after they click submit. How and where is there information saved and what would I need to code this? 2. Is using Xcode smart or should I just use sublime instead and how do I apply my tab bar? Thank you for your help I know this is really newbie stuff but I really want to learn!

Might it not be a better idea to decide what you want the app(lication) to do first?

IOS apps are primarily written using Swift, the successor to Objective-C.
For a form based app, the same general principles apply: you create a GUI / form, set event handlers for the buttons, etc.

However, and that's a big however, for an app that has user accounts, you will need a backend. Just like for a website that has user accounts.

You don't seem to be familiar with actually handling the form data, since you've only mentioned client-side languages so far.

You have two options: learn backend programming by extending your website knowledge to PHP, and try to create an account system in a familiar environment.

Or start learning Swift, but hold off with the server-based stuff for now.

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