I was scammed by people to use my credit to get iphones and now I'm in debt?

These people told us that if our credit was good and they helped us sign up for two year contacts and they said they'd pay for the phones and give us $50 per phone. They said we could just not pay the bills and it would be fine but now I'm getting the bills.
Is this going to f up my credit?
Should I just pay them off in full?
I already canceled the service and reported them stolen.

You were scammed and are now stuck with the consequences. Yes, you will have to pay off the bill. You agreed to this mess. They didn't steal your ID.

You are about to learn a valuable lesson. NEVER, EVER co-sign, lend your credit or mingle finances with anyone you are not legally married to. It never works out well.

You are stuck with the debt as you voluntarily did this. Your credit rating will suffer if you do to pay it off.
And unless you have something IN WRITING where they guaranteed to pay you back, you can't sue them in small claims court