I was sending my friend a pic on text (i have an iphone) and i took the pic but it didn't send or save is there any way to get it back?
I was sending my friend a pic on text (i have an iphone) and i took the pic but it didn't send or save is there any way to get it back?
Have you friend send it back to you. You also might want to change your setting so everything backs up to the cloud, many services are available for free.
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- I have a big problem, i cracked my iphone screen and my home button and didn't fix it until a year later, i didn't fix my iphone for a year,? By this time, i have forgotten my password to unlock my phone, which led to my iphone disabled and linkin it to itunes. Finally remembere my password on itunes connected the usb. And itunes said, do you want to allow access info on iphone? Click continue. Then says please respond to iphone.Tho nothin cause its locked. I don't know what to do, because the photos on my iphone are precious to me and if i could get it factory reset id lose them all. Even tried icloud. With no sucess.