I wish I was born in a different time?

I was born in 1999 but I wish I was born in the early/mid 1800s. I just think everything was more interesting and adventurous back in that time, I know there wasn't modern medicine and iphones and stuff but I don't really care, nowadays people are atttatched to those iphones and Instagram. The world is so boring nowadays, we already know everything there's nothing more to discover and no adventure. Is it weird how I feel this way?

It was difficult times but people were less stressed etc.

That's just a fantasy. Life was extremely hard in the 1800s. You could die of measles or blood poisoning after a tiny cut. You'd probably have died before the age of 40.
It was nothing like it's portrayed in books, TV shows and movies.
And anyway - wishing something like that is a total waste of time.
You were born in 1999. Deal with it.

The world was just as, if not more, boring in the 1800th for the majority of the people.
You only have this perception because of works of fiction set in this period. But to the vast majority of the people, life was a boring routine, with much less opportunities to have fun than today.

It was also more dangerous, but not for fun reasons. Nobody thinks it's fun to be killed by untreated diseases, food poisoning, drowning, etc.

The air was much cleaner etc

Weird? No, it's actually relatively commonplace, and always has been. Particularly for younger people.

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