Ideas for Christmas this year?

I'm a 14 year old girl, and my dad just asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I have no idea
I have a iphone on contract so no new phone…
I like music I already have most instruments
I have no idea please help

What about an ipad (the latest one) or jewellery or a designer bag or make up or even perfume

Or it you really can't think you can ask for money

Just ask for alot of money so when your like at the store and you want something really badly, just use your money.

Nail polish
Tickets to something
Bedroom decor (lanterns, pillows, throws, rug, pictures, mirrors, bedding etc)
Computer/Console games
hair straightener/curling wand
electric tooth brush
jewelry making kit
wall decals

Cash is always good. Ask for a lot of it so that you and your boyfriend can move in together and give your dad a grandson/granddaughter.

If you're into any sports, you could ask for new sports equipment or sporty clothes from places like *** or something. Maybe tickets to a musical or concert? New clothes, name brand. Room Decor, headphones, portable speakers, I tunes gift card, phone case, nail polish, new movies, laptop. Hope that helped!

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