If Apple Computer had been a socialist or communist organization, would the iPhone have looked like this because of stifled innovation?
If Apple Computer had been a socialist or communist organization, would the iPhone have looked like this because of stifled innovation?
Why do you think Americans want full blown socialism?
There's no such thing as a socialist or communist company
Wow, a stupid meme. Actually, that is the new iPhone for septuagenarians. The Jitterbug was too complicated for people like you.
Apple merely took public technologies and monopolized and privatized them. Most technological advances that were major came from public funding and the military and then capitalist parasites claim without them we wouldnt have these things haha
No… The Treo, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile preceded the iPhone which came out with significantly less features and capabilities than the existing devices but used an aggressive advertising campaign to market itself as hip and the older more capable devices as "retro."
Everything the iPhone had can be traced back to things that were already on the market… It innovated absolutely NOTHING, it stole everything used to create it and destroyed the history in the process. It was a loser phone that couldn't hold a charge, was horrible for everything and even the network specific PIM phones were superior in all regards.
The difference was advertising, iPhone = hip, other phones = loser… You don't want to be a loser so buy an iPhone.
Also note, BUSINESS was what the older devices were made for and why they lacked the "we're hip" features of iPhone (like how the display flows around instead of cleanly changing pages)… Apple only succeeded in getting new people to enter a market based on aggressively advertising to them that they NEED to buy an iPhone.
If you were literate, you'd have realized I said this.
You CLEARLY never used the older devices. Apple BULLIED and LIED and CHEATED their way into dominance. Without all the companies that actually did the work that Apple stole and took advantage of, Apple would be nothing.
APPLE = Socialism.
Let me guess, you were home schooled and never learned what those big scary words like "communist" or "socialist" mean.
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