If i buy an iphone off of amazon?

I was about to buy an iphone of of amazon.com but then i had a thought. If i buy an at&t iphone 4s 16gb off of amazon will i have to be stuck with one of those pesky 2 year contracts? Or can i just use the however i want without being committed? I'm asking because i want a at&t iPhone 4s without a contract so i can use it with straight talk (a network that runs off of at&t towers). I know it works and 'i've researched it a lot, i just need to make sure the iPhones on amazon don't come with a contract

They don't I've sold on amazon and own a iPhone 4s and 4 and am a amazon prime member. It is likeif you walk down to apple and buy a iPhone 4s for let's say $400 then decide to sell it on amazon for $500. There's no contract. That is like you buying my couch there's no contract.

Thats what i wanna know!

If you are buying the phone only it will not come with a contract. The only way it would have a contract is if is through an ATT retailer from amazon. If it asks you to enter your phone number and account info for ATT then it is asking you for a contract. If you are just buying "iPhone 4s for ATT" then it does not have a contract.

You can buy new or used iPhones on Amazon or Craigslist, but beware, the price tag is enormous. A new iPhone 4s is anywhere between $700-$800 without a contract. An iPhone 3GS used is around $120-$200 with no contract.

You can then put in a sim card from your new phone carrier. Add a Data Plan so you can surf the web, get emails and use the GPS and more.

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