If I buy an unlocked iPhone from apple, will I get updates?
Will I get OS updates, etc? What's the drawback when buying unlocked iPhone aside from the price?
Yes, you will get updates. There are no differences at all from a carrier locked iPhone other than you can use it on any network.
Yes you will, no matter what kind of iPhone you have you always get updates
Yes. There's no drawback, other than the price lol
Yes you can get updates without any problem.
There are no drawbacks. You'll definitely get OS updates. My iPhone 5 is prepaid because it worked out cheaper that way (for me in Australia, at least). Although it was a hefty price to pay front up, I now only pay $30 per month for the same services that would have cost me $92 per month. (so I've saved about $500). With prepaid, I also have the flexibility to not recharge if I can't afford it.
I highly recommend looking into the prepaid options for your area. Most people who own iPhones aren't prepaid because they can't afford the up-front price to buy one!
- Why won't the Apple store allow me to see my updates? I have an iPhone 3GS on iOS 6.1.2, and I'm having trouble with the app store. I can download new apps, and I can see the red number 4, letting me know that I have 4 new updates. However, the updates section stays blank and will not show me what apps need to be updated! What do I do! Is anyone else having this problem!
- Why didn't I get the iphone updates? How do I get them? I have an iPhone 4 for Virgin Mobile, and I never got IOS 8, and a lot of my other friends got it. And then Apple put out another update called 8.0.2 to fix the bugs from 8.0, and I didn't get them one either. I went into my 'general', then my 'software update' and it still says '1.7.2, your software is up to date'. So why did I not get either update, and how could I get the new update?
- Why Can't I Get Updates On My IPhone Anymore? Ok So my iPhone 4 doesn't let me update any of my apps anymore. Everytime I go to the app store & go to updates something pops up & say can't connect to iTunes. & I know some of my apps need to be updated but I dnt why it won't let me update anything. It's been doing this for a while now, so please!
- When a iphone updates after its done will it ask for a code to get into the phone? My grand daughter iphone did a update earlier she said but when i tried to get into it it ask me for a code i didn't know the code so i ask her why do you need a code to get in your phone she said it done that after it updated but being a grandmother id believe her am I wrong or did she have to fix it for having to code Is there anyway I can listen to her voicemail from another phone