If i delete apps will it save my iphone battery?

I have an iphone 5 and my battery is horrible. If i delete some apps will it help. I'm into zombies so i'm not deleting the walking dead and into the dead or plague. But what should i delete. Need for speed. Vice city. Crazy coaster. Angry birds starwars. Of this will help what should i delete

Turn LTE off, it is a crazy battery drain. If you don't use the apps than get rid of them, but keep them if you are gonna miss them.


Well if you close all you open apps by double clickin the home button and hold as if you we're to delete them it closes all open apps which helps save battery life. Hope it helps

It will create more space and probably run faster. Not sure about the battery.

Not Really, the applications running in the background might do the trick for you. Keeping Data Network like 3G or 4G off when not in use will giver you battery a better stamina.

Deleting apps will only create more space on your iPhone. I suggest you to drop the screen brightness, turn off location services and push notifications that watch for updates. You can also check out this page for list of battery apps that can help you maximize battery life on your iPhone: http://www.appfavour.com/search/?key=battery

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