If I go from iPhone to blackberry will I miss bbm?

Thinking of going to iPhone but will I miss bbm?(:'

Not at all.
and iphones have imessage

Well, BBM is very addictive and you will miss it. But just think, an iPhone does pretty much anything else you could ever want. Plus, you've still got texts and whatsapp.

I had a blackberry and moved to a HTC. I had quite a lot of people of bbm, and I did miss it a lot at the time. It was like, if I go on my phone I would so straight to bbm but I obviously couldn't. But if you get 'Whatsapp' its like a messenger so you can still talk to people as long as they have it too of course. Plus its free!

Yes you will -) get a bold 9790 or bold 9900 and have qwerty keypad, touch screen plus bbm -) PS i went from a blackberry to an android, 3months later i went back to my blackberry.

Trust me you will miss it LOADS! I got my iphone today and i've had my blackberry for ages and everyone just ignores my texts! Whereas on bbm i could just bc 'somebody pop up' and everyone would talk to me! Iphones are so much better but my heart aches for bbm, if you do go for an iphone make sure you get everyones numbers cause trust me it made my heart ache all day cause i wanted my bbm back:/

Yes, you will miss it a lot! Why don't you keep both? Some people have an Iphone or some other phone but still get a Blackberry only for BBM and texting.

Hope this helps!

Yeah you will but why don't you get an Iphone but keep your blackberry for the BBM?