If I turned my iPhone 5s off for two years and turned it back on, would it still work?

I curious. If I didn't take it off my iPhone plan thingamajig and simply shut it down, no communication for two years, would it be able to come back on?

The battery would be dead but you could recharge it.

Otherwise, assuming you still had a service agreement for that phone, then it should come back on just fine.

As long as you charge it, yup!

If by shutting it down you mean switching it off then yes. A tip (if you are planning to do this) is to charge the battery to around 40% before leaving it. Lithium Ion batteries don't like being left empty or full, this sounds strange but it is true. You'll usually find that new phones ship with around this amount of charge. You'll prolong the battery life and save yourself a new battery!

Maybe. The charge would run down considerably and if it ran out completely the battery might be damaged.

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