If so, can I buy the iphone 4s only?
I just want to buy the phone itself with no line or anything like that. Is there any chance that I can do that? Just a phone without plan.
Sure, just buy directly from Apple. They sell the iPhone 4S factory unlocked and unsubsidized.
Yes, you can. Just go to the Apple web site (www.apple.com) and buy the 4S without any plan. It may cost a lot more but that's what happens when you don't buy a plan with the phone.
Note: You can also check eBay. If you buy the phone from Apple, it will be unlocked.
Go for the unlocked version that would help you more i guess
Yeah you can, but it's going to be more expensive! If you're using att, it will charge you for data plan, even if you don't use it… I'm not sure if this happens for only att or other mobile system.
be sure to look around the market for a great deal. Don't buy from resell places because it's a ripp off. Just shop around for a great price.
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