If the iPhone X is out of stock when I pre order it, can I sue Apple and forced them to give me one?

If the iPhone X is out of stock when I pre order it, can I sue Apple and forced them to give me one? - 1

You mean when you pre-ordered it. It isn't going to be in stock when you PRE-ORDER it because you PRE-ORDER before it comes out. Also you can't sue them or force them to give you one. Now if you could show they gave them to other people who didn't pre-order when you had you'd have a reason to talk about suing. However the fact that they didn't get enough to the store could mean that they didn't have enough made yet.

Nah that's just stupid

If you are stupid enough to do so, go right ahead.
Make sure your bank account has at least $50,000 clear. Apple's lawyers are going to eat you alive, make you spend all that money, take years to do anything, and in the end, still not give you a phone.

But please… Go right ahead. Make a blog about it with a running meter on time and money spent.

Go for it.

No. Just wait for it to be in stock.

Big corporations will crush you with their lawyers, and this isn't a good enough reason to sue.

You should consult a Legal Expert. I think it is not a mental health problem.

Please say in what way it is connected to your mental health.

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