If you have the iphone do you really need an ipad?

If you have the iphone do you really need an ipad?


I had an iPad that I got as a gift and later I got an iPhone. I've barely touched my iPad since. I'm going to give it to my grandmother, the large display should be good for her.

If even if you don't have an iphone you don't really need an ipad.
I use my nexus 7 when my android phone is on the charger and I do like to have the bigger screen for streaming movies or reading things longer than twitter and facebook posts.

You do not Need an ipad but you will likely use one if you own one even if you have an iphone.

It depends, if you do alot of book reading you can use ibooks which is great, or if you watch alot of movies. Movies and books are far better on a bigger screen instead of a small phone screen.

Do you really need the iphone doe bruv?