I'm litterally freaking out still?

I smashed my screen on my iphone 6 onto a wooden headboard on my bed the screen is broken my parents are coming home at 5 and i'm crying right now i need help i'm 11

Calm down and take a few deep breaths. What happened to make you feel this way? I'm sure it seems like something huge right now, but once you calm down it won't be as bad. You will be all right. Are you freaking out because your parents are going to be angry? If they are, don't get yourself worked up again. Just remember, they are your parents and they love you. If they are angry, explain what happened without being mean, and tell them you don't want to fight, but you are hurting and need some love. That should cool their anger and you can have a rational conversation with them. You are worth a lot more than a phone to your parents.
Edit: Please don't lie. The truth is always better, now and in the long run. Do you have a question about all your misfortunes? Well you obviously have money if you're 11 and have an iPhone down, seriously, stop crying and take deep breaths. I think you should text one of your parents and explain, so they have a chance to get over it before they get home and you won't get in as much trouble. This is the best method! Apologise and say it was a huge accident and you're gutted and hopefully they'll get over the shock and anger, if they even care, before they get home. Another method is you could make up a crazy story on how you broke it, when my friend smashed her iPad, we made up a story on how we saved a little kid from getting hit by a speeding car, and she accidentally dropped you could just try to hide it? Make a home made case that hides it? I did that once! Good luck I smell troll. Should have got an android with gorilla glass

Do you have a question about all your misfortunes?

Well you obviously have money if you're 11 and have an iPhone down, seriously, stop crying and take deep breaths. I think you should text one of your parents and explain, so they have a chance to get over it before they get home and you won't get in as much trouble. This is the best method! Apologise and say it was a huge accident and you're gutted and hopefully they'll get over the shock and anger, if they even care, before they get home. Another method is you could make up a crazy story on how you broke it, when my friend smashed her iPad, we made up a story on how we saved a little kid from getting hit by a speeding car, and she accidentally dropped you could just try to hide it? Make a home made case that hides it? I did that once!

I smell troll.

Should have got an android with gorilla glass

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