IMessage for iPhone not working?
This afternoon I noticed that as I tried to send messages with the iMessage, my texts wouldn't send. I restarted my phone multiple times and even restored it on iTunes but it still doesn't work. In my settings the button is turned to iMessage on, but under that it says 'waiting for activation'. I've had my phone since the beginning of October and has never had this problem before. Has this happened to anyone else? Or do you know how to possibly fix it?
I'm having the same problem. I tried literally everything: I restored it multiple times, disabled and enabled Wi-Fi, changed the time setting, and even created new Apple account, but no use.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with that problem though. Let's hope it gets fixed by tomorrow or something.
I know. I can't even send messages to people without iPhones. And all my old messages are deleted. If you know how to fix it please tell me because I really can't even use my phone
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