Instead of just having free college in USA, why can't we also PAY college students to attend class?
It does take work to walk to class and to study and we should raise taxes to pay students to walk to class and take college introduction to ancient philosophy classes
Why can't we PAY students for participating in class using taxpayer funds, AND cover room and board and tuition books and meal plan, but ALSO
Pay college students so if they want to get a cool poster for the dorm room, they can buy it with taxpayer funds… Or if they want a cool speaker for iPhone to play music Bluetooth,
Or if 2 college kids want to get married and have a wedding, like Govt money to pay for this so they don't have to work through college?
Can I go back too?
With what money? We're 23 trillion in debt.
Only first world countries have free higher education.
That's not going to happen nor should it. But it wasn't that long ago (about 50 years) that state colleges in the US had very low tuition. Google it. We did it before. We can do it again. As of 2014, the average student loan debt per capita was $37,172. That's criminal. How are kids supposed to start their lives out with that kind of debt? We should all work together to change that. Those kids are the future of this country.
So, instead of taxing 'the rich.' Democrats now want to PAY FOR their college. And give them beer money during their extra 4 - 12 years of Democrat indoctrination.
Too much handout
I take it you're a college student who is now low on funds.
AOC is currently updating her Green New Deal to include this.
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