Iphone 16gb or 32gb? Huge difference or no?
I'm getting an iphone i'm wondering if the 16 gb is enough amount of space. I can't find a32 in mmy price range.
Depends on what you plan on doing with your Iphone. Your average image at high Resolution and music file is less then 5mb. You can easily have about 2500-3000 of both types of files with 16gb and be able to install apps on the Iphone.
Probably your biggest file would be Full HD videos, so if your planning on shooting a lot of videos and storing them on your Iphone, then 32gb would be nice.
I personally have over 500gb of multimedia video/music/image data on my computer, but its unnecessary to have it all on my 32gb tablet or 8gb phone. I just keep what I consider my favorite or new things to share with my friends and the rest I can pull up from my computer to my phone or tablet. That's the beauty of Wi-Fi/Cloud service.
Something you want to remember, people who are on 2 year contracts usually get their phone replaced every two years. How long are you really going to have your phone? And is it worth an extra $100? (just a guess on price)
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