Iphone 4 6.0.1 won't restore after jailbreak?

I've been able to before, but it won't restore this time. I tried recovery mode, dfu, pwned dfu, nothing works. If i just click restore itunes says it can't connect even though my internet is working fine.

Added (1). I get unknown error (3194)

Added (2). Excuse me, bonnie b, but you are clearly *** retarded. There's a jailbreak for it i've had it for months. It dsnt ruin phones unless your stupid and try to install apps that don't work on your ios, so next time you want to sound like you have an iq over 5, take a *** into a microphone instead then educate urself on the topic your talking about

Added (3). I can't change files.forgot admin password


I got this error as well when I was restoring my iPhone 4. What I ended up having to do is use a different computer. If you don't have access to another computer, change the USB cable (you don't think this would help, but it can)

I've also been able to get through it by letting iTunes restore by letting iTunes download the firmware (rather than pointing it to the IPSW)

I hope this helps, I know how annoying it can be.