IPhone 4 got wet, device now barely operating with no display?
I have not backed it up in over a year. I might just purchase a new one at last resort, however I really want to get my contacts and photos from the phone before I do.
Here's a quick rundown of the weird stuff going on.
•It got wet, and I let it dry in rice for a week.
•Opened it up, very little corrosion, scrubbed everything anyway.
•Now I have it plugged into the wall (without a battery).
•I figured my battery is probably fried so I proceeded without it.
•The screen is a dark blue, and it seems to reboot and vibrate every few minutes.
•I think I locked myself out of it by powering it on, sliding the unlock screen as I normally would, and kept tapping on the keypad.
•I will try voice control tomorrow when I'm not locked out of the phone.
•The silence switch DOES cause it to vibrate when it's powered on.
•The home and lock buttons DO work.
•No apple logo, just a very very dim and dark blue screen.
However when plugged into the computer via USB:
•It does NOT respond to iTunes, and I can't explore it.
•It does not periodically reboot when plugged into the computer; it is essentially unresponsive.
•When plugged into the computer, the screen cycles between ~7 seconds of dark blue and ~2 seconds of no light.
Thanks for your time. Again, I mainly want to get the information off of this phone. Everything else is secondary.
Not backing it up is a mistake on your part. That info may be gone now. Upgrade and ask if they can copy over to your new phone when you take it in, they might be able to do it.
You can recycle old stuff here and apple will give you store credit for it:
Even if damaged something is better then nothing.
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