IPhone 4 iOS 6 unauthorized charging problem?
As many of you may know, hurricane Sandy has left millions with no power. In perpetration for this I purchased myself a USB car charger so I could charge my phone in my car, and a hand crank USB/flashlight charger. When plugging my USB into either of these, neither of them work. Can someone help me on this as to how to get my iPhone to charge?
Apple has restrictions on some products. I can't plug my ipod into my tv. If i do it says "Unsupported Device". Sadly apple will never remove these restrictions cause in order to get it to work you have to buy an apple product.
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- My IPhone 5 isn't charging when I plug it in but the charging 'symbol' comes up? I've only had my phone for a few weeks- since Christmas, and today it's been playing up, it keeps turning on and off then when my phone is on the screen at the bottom flickers! I have never dropped this phone or it hasn't been water damaged! I resorted my phone by pressing the lock and home screen and put it on charge, my charge percentage isn't going up it keeps decreasing, even though it says that my phone is on charge, what should I do?
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