Iphone 4 screen is cracked, what do I do?

Stupid me didn't get mobile insurance now there's nothing I can do or is there? To get a new iphone I would have to pay a whole price, $450 and I'm not qualify to have an upgrade on my phone until aug. My phone is all shattered. I dropped in on the ice (the screen fell flat on the ground) on my way back home from grocery shopping! Ugh… Is there a way I can fix it?

This is only from personal experience. I bought a smashed screen iPhone 4 off a guy for @$60.
I walked into the apple store and asked what could I do.

They said that they could replace it for @$160 with a perfectly working refurbished one. I agreed.
This particular Apple Store cloned the iPhone I brought in into the refurbished one. Not all stores will do the clonig though, just ask nicely.

Suggestion: make an online appointment with the Genius Bar in your area ahead of time so as not to waste too much time waiting for assistance.

It won't hurt to try!