IPhone 4 update to 6.0.1 and restore has not restored my data? - 1

I'm on iPhone 4, was running iOS 5.1.1, Windows 7. Today I updated iTunes, and went to update my iPhone and restore to a backup I made 2 days ago. It seemed to restore fine and I selected the backup, but once it had finished and I went through the restore settings, all my contacts, photos, notes etc. Have all gone. I don't have any of these saved anywhere else and this is my only backup. What do I do?

Contact apple and tell them that the update is unstable and it messes up your device

I know nothing about apple devices or software. Can you reverse the restore procedure? Were there any settings of the procedure that may have caused this? Maybe the content was stored on or affiliated to iTunes, and the update caused it to change configuration such that the back up was incompatible with the update. If you can't reverse the restore then maybe try rolling back the update. But, if you can reverse the restore and you try that first and it doesn't work, reverse the reverse of the restore before attempting the roll back so as not to further complicate the issue.