IPhone 4 update to 6.0.1 and restore has not restored my data?
I'm on iPhone 4, was running iOS 5.1.1, Windows 7. Today I updated iTunes, and went to update my iPhone and restore to a backup I made 2 days ago. It seemed to restore fine and I selected the backup, but once it had finished and I went through the restore settings, all my contacts, photos, notes etc. Have all gone. I don't have any of these saved anywhere else and this is my only backup. What do I do? Please help.
Added (1). It says my software is up to date. This is my first update since I bought it 2 months ago.
Have you updated your iPhone OS to 6.1?
If not, you need to.
This is very important question that will determine wether you may get your contacts back. In the past when you updated to 5.1.1 did you do it on your win 7 computer, on a different computer or did you buy it that way? Pm me and i will let you know the steps to get it your info back.
There's iPhone backup restore software online, which can detect all your backup files from iTunes without iPhone connected. And restore your backup files one by one. You can search iphone backup restore on Google, and you will find many such programs.
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