IPhone 4s isn't notifying me of texts?
It doesn't ring, doesn't have a notification on the message app, nothing. I have to literally go into my messages to see. Is there a reason why?
also battery life is horrible. Its fairly new, like less than a year old, and the battery dies within 4 hours of full charge.
Is your phones brightness all the way up? That kills your battery. Also double click your home button (the only button on the phone) a slide will pop up with all the apps you have open press and hold one and the red minus sign will show up click it. On all of them! That closes them, having all of them open kills battery. And as far as your messages you must have messed something up under notifications. Maybe you took the badges off.
Regarding the battery: if you leave the mobile data and/or the Wi-Fi on 24-7 and use it for calls, texts, internet, and data alot during the day, the battery goes down faster. Just a thought.
Now if you do use your internet and call/texting less and the phone still isn't holding a charge, go to an apple store and see if they can replace it for free. This shouldn't be an issue with a phone that's less than a year old. And since it's less than a year old, you may be under warranty still
Now regarding the text notifications, you may want to look at your settings. Go to messages and then click your menu button for text messaging settings. Turn notifications on and make sure it sends you an icon in the status bar as well. This should help
Look at http://www.smartphonemovilapps.com
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