IPhone 4s MMS Messaging won't work
My iPhone 4S I have never had an issue with. Last night I was deleting a bunch of apps and then went to send a video and picture out to my friend. It took forever for them to send. The text messages went through with no issue. The videos not so much. So I turned on and off my MMS messaging, my iMessage, reset my network.still nothing. In the meantime, now I can't even send pictures. Randomly happened. Is it one of the apps? I need help, please.
Added (1). It is AT&T.
I deleted iTunes U… If that has anything to do with it. I deleted it on the phone though. And a couple of photo editing softwares. I've had my phone since the end of May and now this all happened. I don't want to reset my entire phone because of the conversations I have on it.
Added (2). It is AT&T.
I deleted iTunes U… If that has anything to do with it. I deleted it on the phone though. And a couple of photo editing softwares. I've had my phone since the end of May and now this all happened. I don't want to reset my entire phone because of the conversations I have on it.
I'm not sure what you deleted, but if a google search didn't bring up any answers, I'd go to you service provider's (ATT, Sprint, etc.) store and ask them. If they don't know, you need to set up a genius appointment at the apple store (call ahead or set it up online) and they should be able to fix it.
It's also possible that deleting the apps and your issue aren't related. The problem is more likely to be an issue with your Wi-Fi (reseting it doesn't always fix the problem) or your issues with your service provider.
I have never had this issue myself being an iPhone 4s owner. The only thing I could think of is has the reception in your area changed recently?
If not, try restartign your iphone (hold the tip sleep button and the home button at the same time for seven seconds or so).
Hope that fixes it or else you might have to go on iTunes back up your phone and store your device to factory settings and upload your info again to your phone.
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