IPhone 4s poor battery life? - 2
My mom has a 4s and she uses it about 1 hour of talk time, and about 2 hours of using web browsing, calendar, reminders, maps, and siri a day and it goes to about 45% at the end of the day before she charges it. I think this is pretty poor even compared to HTC's despicable battery life. Any help on conservation on battery life or ultimately a fix?
Brightness level and all apps that are no longer running are completely closed makes a difference with battery life
Lower Screen Brightness:
1) go to settings
2) Go to Brightness
3) Turn off Auto Brightness
4) Slide the brightness slider to where you can see it comfortably
Disable Bluetooth:
1) Go to Settings
2) Go To General
3) Click on the Bluetooth Option and select Off
Turn off Wi-Fi unless in a Wi-Fi Area:
1) Go to Settings
2) Go to the Wi-Fi Option
3) Turn off Wi-Fi
Turn off Location Services
1) Go to Settings
2) Go to General
3) Go to Location Services
4) You can disable all location services; or just click off on those that you don't need location services for
Fetch Email Less Often:
1) Go to Settings
2) Go to Mail, Contacts, Calendar
3) Fetch New Data (Select either Manually or Hourly for the best battery life
4) Disable Push Email; you'll still receive your emails hourly/manually which ever you had selected but you don't need both Push/Fetch Enabled at the same time
Turn off Other Location Services:
1) Go to Settings
2) Go to Location Services
3) Go to System Services
4) Turn off Diagnostics & Usage, Location Based iAds
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