IPhone 4s Restarting NON STOP

I had my screen replaced on my iPhone 4s earlier today.
Now I have 1 minute of use and than the phone will turn it off and turn its self back on and repeat that. Every minute.
Please help. I paid 100$ for the screen replacement.

If you didn't get it done at apple, it a faulty screen and wil short out. And your warrenty is void.
sell it for parts.

Go to the Apple store where you bought your iPhone with the receipt, and ask for them to fix it or for a refund. But before that go to the place where you had a new screen put in as they may have messed up your phone. Ask them for proof they are legally allowed to do that.
I'm sorry about that, I imagine you're pretty fustrated at the moment. But I hoped I've helped you!

Lol you're screwed.

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