IPhone 4s water damage and temperature warning?

So my phone is water damaged! Don't ask /: everything is working. The problem is when I'm on the phone it heats up And shows this. Temperature warning some say it's the motherboard or battery? Does anyone else have this problem? Or know how to fix it?

Hmm i phone has alot of *** going on with it but build quality if not one of em they ve made the phone semi water proof saying it can resist a short dip in the pool although i did read an article about early i phone 4 s having issue s with there phones heating up so this may actually be a error in construction if you got a warranty shush up n let them fix it if not then i have no clue O. O

Did you allow it to completely dry before using the phone? Have you tried taking it to wherever you bought it (Apple, AT&T, etc) and see if they can help you? Maybe try posting this question in the Consumer Electronics- Cell Phones category found here

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