IPhone 5 facebook contacts disappeared?
They randomly disappeared and I can't seem to get them back. Are other people having this problem? Is it on facebooks end? Will it fix eventually? Only some of them disappeared…
Added (1). Jason, do you think i'm a caveman? I knew someone would say that. I already tried everything you could possibly think of.
You probably turned off Facebook on your iPhone just go to setting scroll down to Facebook and turn contacts on
Exactly same problem, even checked the settings it's ok, tried updating contacts doesn't work.
- My contacts disappeared from my contact list on the iPhone 5s, randomly. How can I get them back? My contact list somehow erased when it was in my purse. The contacts are still there when I create a text message or search someone to text, but I can't dial out because the contacts from my contact list are gone. My iCloud is still on, so it's not that. Is there a way I can get them back?
- IPhone problem? Contacts disappeared? I was synching my iPhone with my computer and emails and now all my contacts are gone! What do I do? Why did this happen?
- I can't sync my Facebook contacts to my iPhone 4s? I just got this new phone yesterday and I can't sync my Facebook contacts. I've gone through the steps I could find (go to friends and hit the action button at the top right) but when I press that my only options are find friends and cancel but no "sync friends".Is there anything else I can try?
- How to transfer all Iphone contacts to google contacts? I had an Iphone and I just bought a Windows phone. I need a way to transfer all my contacts. The only way i know is by transferring them to google contacts and then syncing my google account with my windows phone. I need help please?