IPhone 5 or nexus 4? Which would you choose?

Ok so I already have an iPhone 5. I've always loved iPhones & think their so sexy. But my friend in school showed me about the nexus 4 coming out & it's decently sexy, not as sexy as the iPhone but still sexy. & it's faster running a quad core instead of duel like th iPhone. You can do more with it & my friend was telling me cool things about androids. I also watched videos online about android vs iPhone but I can't pick bc everyone seems to be an android fan & hate iPhones. I've only ever had 1 android phone but it was a really *** one & I hated it. But that doesn't mean I won't like them now just bc that one was ***.another thing that gets me is screen quality, retina is amazing! & things like messages, the messages on iPhones are nice bc their light, my old android were dark & bulky. Which would you chose? They both look like great phones! I wannt feedback from people who aren't one sided towards android or apple & like them both. & I can't keep my iPhone if I don't like it. I'm selling it for 500 to buy the 200 nexus if I decide to & if I don't like sell the nexus & get $500 & buy another one on eBay or something. It's just a hassle

In sure Nexus 4. You are in the right lane.
Cheaper and Android jelly baen better tha IOS.
And original google is a super hit in smartphones.
My advice buy, iphone is a kult not firstclass.product.

See, you already own an iPhone 5. I don;t think it's worth the hassles to sell it and buy Nexus 4. Nexus 4 does have some impressive specs and features as shown in comparison article here - http://techpp.com/2012/11/02/lg-nexus-4-vs-iphone-5-vs-sgs3/
But if I were you, I'd stay put with iPhone 5, rather than scratching my head about how to sell iPhone 5 for a good price.

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