Iphone 5 umberable Wi-Fi and lte speeds?

I have literally probably tried everything from changing the dns using name bench to proxy, i have updated everything turned off services but still the Wi-Fi on my iphone 5 is so slow! Slower than my ipod touch 2g i even went to verizon to show so they changed my s and it didn't change anything! What should i do help me!

Added (1). I have tried reseting btw and hard reset but not restore

Have you tried resetting? (Doesn't erase anything) Just lock your screen, hold down the home and lock button, wait till the screen goes black, and then press them again and the apple sign should pop up. It may be just apple didn't fix the Wi-Fi on iPhone 5 very well.

This is a known problem on iPhone 5. Apple is aware of it but there's no fix yet.

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