IPhone 5 vs note 2.what should I buy?

Hey I'm from India and I'm really confused between iPhone 5 and note 2.
Both these are very good.
Note 2 on one hand has bigger and better display, large no.of free apps, is more powerful. And is more customizable.
But on the other hand iPhone is not so far behind and has something called "class " in it, and has better camera and better OS. It also costs 10thousand more than note 2.
I have been and android user before but I'm really impressed by IPhone.
so what should I buy.

Get the note. I have no idea how you think the apple os is better than android when its so limited. Better camera? Nobody cares because people are always using stupid filters anyway. Even with the larger screen it is still smaller than alot of droid's.
Have you seen the commercials? They are trying to sell the thing by saying "how can something get bigger and smaller" they are also trying to use the headphones as a way to sell it(they do stay in good though). I'd really like to know what you're impressed by.

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