IPhone 6s case with the best protection inside and out?
I'm looking for a new iPhone 6s case. Unfortunately the one I have which was quite expensive and from one of the better known manufacturers from the US caused scratches on the back of my iPhone while in the case.
Can anyone advise what cases offer the best protection for your iPhone inside and out? I'm hopefully looking for something with soft material and cushioning on the inside.
No the case did not cause scratches, the dirt that got into the case and was between the case and the phone, caused the scratches. Any case you put on your phone will need to be removed from time to time to clean the inside of the case and the phone itself, so the problem doesn't happen. Unless the case is sealed and is airtight and dust proof, grit and grim from your hands, pockets, book bags etc, will get into the cracks and gaps in the case, and work it's way between surfaces and the act of holding, dropping, and move in and out of just your pockets, works the dirt, grit and grime until you get scratched and rub spots.
Expensive and cheap cases, bumpers and wraps will all do this. ESPECIALLY the cases and covers with the rubber/cushion between the hard case shell and the phone. So again, which ever case you get, make sure it is first for your phone, and second that you remove the case at least once every couple of weeks to get any gunk that has gotten into it, out.
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