IPhone 7 Plus Wi-Fi connection problems?

Its running on IOS 11.2.2, it was originally my phone but its paid off and I gave it to my brother because he broke his phone. The whole time I had it, I had no problem connecting to my home Wi-Fi or any other Wi-Fi. At the AT&T store, we set the phone up as a new phone. So everything was reset. Well now my brother is having trouble connecting it to his Wi-Fi. His wife has no problem connecting her devices. His router works fine. He reset the phone and reset the network settings but its still doing the same 'wrong password' problem. What else can he do?


Try again, use the forget the network option, ensure the router has not a mac filtering white/blacklist

enter the correct password. Make sure he is not entering leading and trailing spaces.
This doesn't sound like a phone problem more like a user problem

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