IPhone can't download any songs?

I've tried to purchase several songs from iTunes on my iPhone, but about halfway through the download process it stops, starts over, and repeats. After a few times of starting over a message pops up that says its unable to download at this time. The first time it happened I thought it might just be that song, but it's doing it with all my songs now. Is there anything I can do myself or should I just go to the apple store?

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I never purchase songs from Apple Store.
I always download songs from internet, and add the songs to my itunes account and then connect iphone with computer, at last, update the songs from itunes to iphone.

If I were you I would take it to the store if it's nearby. My friend's iPhone is having the same problem. He quit trying to download it and waited a couple of days before trying again and when he did it worked. I would try waiting a little while and if it doesn't work then take it to the store.

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