IPhone got wet and headphone won't work?

I accidentally dropped my iPhone into water and as soon as it fell I got it out, it had an otter box commuter case on it and I took it off quick and dried it of with a towel. I tried to dry off any water I saw and some got left in the headphone jack and now it says it has the headphones on and used the headphone volume please help. What should I do?

Put it in rice fast! Let it sit for a while. Sounds weird but rlly does work

Wait till it dries. When I did that my speaker was full of water and it sounded a bit muffled when I used my sound. 2-3 days later the sound was completely normal. We've all been there. It sucks.

Keep your device in the uncooked rice for 48-72 hours. Many people believe that the dry rice will soak up the moisture and will get your device dry within 48-72 hours.

Actually you need to open your phone and take out the logic board. Clean it with 70+ alcohol and keep it in the rice for 2-3 days.

Put it in rice

Get a new one because down the road it is going to make noise.

Put it in rice realll fast

I had the same problem with my iPod Touch. Leave it somewhere warm over night and it will just dry out.
DO NOT put it in rice if the head phone jack is wet. A piece of the rice can get stuck and become impossible to get out.
It seems that the rest of the phone is still working fine, so clearly the whole phone didn't get wort. It's not alot of water so it would just dry out.

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