Iphone, itunes, and mac os x?

I just recently got the iphone 5 and it says it can't connect to itunes because the itunes software isn't up to date. I downloaded the software but then it tells me that my mac os x must be upgraded to 10.6 or higher, is there anyway of getting that?

Ask for a refund. JK.
Yes there's, just like you did with your iPhone- just update online.

You'll need to buy 10.6.It costs $19, and can be bought from the Apple Store: http://store.apple.com/...ow-leopard

The latest version of OS X is 10.8, but that isn't sold in a physical form. To get that, you'll need to:
- upgrade to 10.6
- upgrade that to 10.6.6 (only if it isn't already at version 10.6.6 or higher (click on "About Your Mac" in the Apple Menu); it's done from Software Update)
- and then buy and install 10.8 from the Mac App Store.

Call Apple Tech Support at 1-800-myapple.

You can't BUY OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) any more in Canada, but Apple will send it to you so that you can buy, and download, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) from the Mac App Store.

The Mac App Store only runs on OS X Snow Leopard, and up.

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